Beginner Tutorial


This technical training will drive you into the concepts, architecture and technical components of an Innomatic Platform installation. It will supply you with the necessary skills to install, configure and develop applications for your Innomatic Platform.

The tutorial focuses on the daily tasks of an Innomatic developer and introduces the configuration and development of tenants and applications.

To complete this tutorial and further your knowledge you need to download the Innomatic examples publicly available at GitHub.


  • Understand and implement Innomatic Platform and underlying methods
  • Learn to create an Innomatic Platform application from scratch
  • Acquire the best practices in applications development and learn how to use Innomatic Platform API
  • Test and debug Innomatic applications


  • Experience developing with PHP
  • Knowledge of Inversion of Control frameworks / dependency injection
  • A pre-configured 6.4.x supported platform
  • Innomatic 6.4.x stable package available from the Download page



Next: Part 1: Understanding Innomatic