Creating a tenant


Tenants can be created:

  • From Innomatic Root Desktop
  • From CLI
  • From PHP code

Once created, a tenant has a default tenant administrator user with the following username: admin@<tenant_name>. This is the user you use to login in the tenant for the first time.

New users can be created inside the tenant.

Creating a tenant from Root Desktop

A new tenant can be created in the Root Desktop with the Tenants panel in Innomatic menu. If not provided, the databases settings are copied from the Innomatic Root one and a database name in the format <platformname>_<tenantname>_tenant.

Creating a tenant from CLI

Innomatic provides a script in PHP for creating tenants from CLI:

php core/scripts/tenant.php create <tenant_name> <description> <admin_password>

The script can also be used to remove tenants:

php core/scripts/tenant.php remove <tenant_name>

Please note that the script must be executed with the same user of the web server.