6.1 Changelog
6.1 Changelog
6000 6.1.1 - 2014/08/20
This is a support release for upgrading to Innomatic 6.2.2.
- Added full path when loading application.xml in RootContainer class loader
compatibility mode. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Disabled update action in module component. (Alex Pagnoni)
6000 6.1 - 2013/12/01 - "Retina icons, Environment, Dashboard, PSR standards"
- Fixed WuiWidget::getEventsCompleteString() when generating events string with
multiple events. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Removed lot of unused icons in Crystal icon set. (Alex Pagnoni)
- The menu is now opened under the menu bar. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Larger header for Wui Table. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Now the Preferences domain group is always the last one in Wui Page menu.
(Alex Pagnoni)
- Removed InnomaticContainer::STATE_DEVELOPMENT. (Alex Pagnoni)
- PHPTemplate class now supporting parsing of any Template instance as template
variable, not only PHPTemplate ones. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Innomatic instance and domains are initialized in Xajax webapp handler. (Alex
- Removed InnomaticContainer::getRootWuiMenuDefinition(). (Alex Pagnoni)
- Removed old references to html frames in desktop layout. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Theme icon in domain panels is no more required. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Supprimed autoload check in class_exists() calls. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Started using PSR-0, PSR-1 and PSR-2 standards. (Alex Pagnoni)
- PHP minimum version is now 5.3.0. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New Subway icon set by Pixle. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New InnomaticContainer Environment feature. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Top menu bar remains fixed during vertical scrolling. (Duncan Midwinter, Alex
- Added security checks to the PHP webapp handler. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added classes directory to the PHP webapp skeleton. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added handling of welcome file in PHP webapp handler. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added getTags() method to Template interface. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added domain dashboard feature. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added dashboardwidget component. (Alex Pagnoni)
- The Wui Page titlebar changes color when changing Innomatic environment (eg.
development, integration, staging, production). (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added "scrollable" parameter with optional width and height to Wui Horizgroup,
Horizframe, Vertgroup and Vertframe widgets. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Predisposition for namespace support in next Innomatic version. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Old icon set, only new Subway icon set should be used from now on. (Alex
, multiple selections available,