6.0 Changelog

6000 6.0 - 2013/10/24 - "Complete layout overhaul and new Flat theme, Modules, Ajax, JQuery"

- Fixed InnomaticContainer->stopDomain() so that it no more closes domain
database connection when Innomatic edition is set to EDITION_ENTERPRISE.
(Alex Pagnoni)
- Fixed missing handling of last visited domain panel. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Fixed handling of last visited root/domain panel when the panel is closed.
(Alex Pagnoni)
- Fixed readonly state for Wui checkbox widget. (Salvatore Pollaci)
- Fixed readonly state for Wui radio widget. (Paolo Guanciarossa)
- Added missing default value in Wui string widget when using autocomplete.
(Salvatore Pollaci)

- Shared components now support deployment of folders too. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Extras components now support deployment of folders too. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Changed the old style interface panel to new style. (Alex Pagnoni)
- ScriptContainer::cleanExit() now really exits the script with a status code.
(Alex Pagnoni)
- The semaphore gets unlocked anyway during a cache store, even if the operation
has failed. (Alex Pagnoni)
- InnomaticToolbar Wui widget now creates an horizgroup in place of a toolbar.
(Alex Pagnoni)

- Added Module feature with persistance layer, value objects and remote object
calls. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added support for Vagrant. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New void Wui widget. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New divframe Wui widget. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New automatic ajax calls support in desktop panels. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added JQuery support. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added autocomplete support to Wui String widget. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added disableenter option to Wui Form widget. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added domain.user.edit.calltime and domain.user.edit.useredited hook events.
(Alex Pagnoni)
- Added internal ajax support to Wui widgets. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Kickstart script now accepts custom configuration file argument. (Alex
- Added domains management script. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added applications management script. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Added JQuery fancybox script. (Paolo Guanciarossa)
- New Innomatic Wui layout. (Alex Pagnoni)
- New flat theme. (Alex Pagnoni)
- Support for automatic domain check during login by hostname. (Alex Pagnoni)

- InnomaticToolbar Wui widget. (Alex Pagnoni)
- InnomaticContainer::EDITION_ASP (replaced by
InnomaticContainer::EDITION_SAAS). (Alex Pagnoni)