3.1 Changelog

3.1 Changelog

3000 3.1.5 - 2002/12/06
- Removed wrong DomXml requirement during installation phase. DomXml is no more
needed since 3.1.3 release.

3000 3.1.4 - 2002/12/01
- Fixed trouble during first installation procedure.

3000 3.1.3 - 2002/11/27
- Added xmlrpcprofile.add.calltime, xmlrpcprofile.add.profileadded hooks.
- Added xmlrpcprofile.remove.calltime, xmlrpcprofile.remove.profileremoved
- Added xmlrpcprofile.rename.calltime, xmlrpcprofile.rename.profilerenamed
- Added 'link' property to Hui table headers.
- Added caching of Hui themes, this greatly improves performances.

- Changed two call-time pass-by-reference in xmlrpc.library.
- Now the Hui link widget label property defaults to the link property.
- Changed some references to old style variables and defines.
- Now the $gEnv['user'] section is filled when issuing init_amp_site() even
when no user id is given. The site root user id applies.
- Changed toolbar style in admin pages.
- Better profiler output.
- Completely rewritten xml Hui widget parser.
- Now domxml extension is no more needed.
- Many code optimizations.
- LocaleCountry::FormatShortArrayDate() (locale.library) is now safe with dates
not inside UNIX epoch.

- Fixed ModuleDep::CheckModuleDeps() (modules.library).
- Fixed topheader property in table Hui element.
- Fixed handling of active page link in table Hui element when a same table
is rebuilt with less pages than the persistant stored value.
- Fixed handling of active tab in tab Hui element when only a tab remains after
the other tabs are removed.
- Fixed return result in ModuleConfig::GetKey() (modules.library), now it
returns an empty string if the given key doesn't exists instead of false.
- Fixed ConfigMan class (configman.library) when referring to no more existant
modid member.
- Removed a wrong reference to GetStoreId() in ampsite.php.
- Fixed handling of default theme in ampsite.php when no theme has been set.
This drammatically improves speed, especially on slow machines.

3000 3.1.2 - 2002/11/04
- Added the Hui validator feature. This brings more power to Hui widgets.
- Added the huivalidator element.
- Added the huivalidators root table.
- Added authentication with Ampoliros root password for unlock.php cgi.
- Added site notes feature.
- Added moduleconfig element type.
- Added siteconfig element type.
- Added the LogCenter class (logger.library).
- Added a log for each module as standard.
- Added log viewer for each module, if the log exists.

- Removed old debug code in modulesbase.library.
- Moved the Hui file widget validator code to file.huivalidator.
- Greatly improved Hui XML widget when it loads unloaded widgets.
- Changed the old style confirm requester with the new one based on
button "confirmmessage" parameter in sites, modules and web services
- Various optimizations.

- Fixed handling of Ampoliros dependencies for Ampoliros itself. The previous
handling prevented sites creation, modules enabling and sites remotion after
upgrading Ampoliros.
- Removed wrong entry in crystal icons theme definition file.
- Fixed mkdir() in tempdir.element by adding the missing argument.

3000 3.1.1 - 2002/10/28
- Created the new modulesbase.library for the basilar modules handling code.
- Added the $gEnv['runtime']['modules'] section.
- Added the "keep" parameter to the configurationfile element type handler. If
set to true the old configuration file is kept when updating a module, if
it already exists.
- Added the $gEnv['root']['dblog'] and $gEnv['site']['dblog'] variables.

- Moved base modules functions to modulesbase.library for speed optimization
- Now the Hui button "confirmmessage" argument is processed with addslashes().
- Table in module structure page (modules.php) is now paged.

- Fixed handling of $elemArgs in label.hui.
- Fixed return result in Site::GetKey() (sites.library), now it returns an
empty string if the given key doesn't exists instead of false.

3000 3.1.0 - 2002/10/16
- Added the instance.startup hook, that is called at the instance startup.
- Added the instance.shutdown hook, that is called at the instance shutdown.
- Added the "tabindex" parameter to Hui form widgets.
- Added a check in setup phase for PHP XML-RPC extension. If loaded, the
requirements check phase complains about it and ask to remove the extension
from the php.ini configuration file.
- Added web services description localization mechanism.
- Added web services description column in web services administration page.
- Added country descriptor for Brazil and language descriptor for Brazilian.
- Added $gEnv['runtime']['libraries'] with the list of the opened libraries.
- Added the new "tab" Hui widget.
- Added the COLORSET.TITLEBARS.TEXTCOLOR color in Hui colors sets.
- Added various profiler markers.
- Added more new icons in crystal icons set.
- Added the $gEnv['runtime']['sessionid'] key.

- Removed old code needed for pre-3.0.0 Ampoliros update.
- Now the profiler is checked before executing it at the shutdown, to avoid
an error message if the database is down.
- Various forms now use tabbing.
- Started changing references to the environment variable from $env to $gEnv.
- Now the amppage Hui widget encodes the status and title arguments.
- Now when in debug state the pid file is not removed and contains a dump of
the $gEnv environment variable.
- Various optimizations in libraries opening.
- Many optimizations in code.
- Updated the AUTHORS file.
- Changed default SESSION_LIFETIME value in Makefile to 525600 minutes
(a year).
- Suppressed a lot of innocuous PHP NOTICE type log events when state is set
- New look for default theme.
- Optimized ampinterface.php root page by using a tab widget.
- The Hui dispatcher now always passes an array to the event function even if
there isn't any even data.
- Changed session cookie management, now it should last one year by default.
- Updated the Win32 installation script.

- Fixed profiler log string type to DEBUG.
- Fixed handling of Ampoliros state when changing it in the ampadvanced.php
root administration page.
- Fixed wrong use of locale support in some administration pages.
- Fixed old $env['sitelocale'].
- Fixed pages listing cell colspan in table Hui widget.

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