4.0 Changelog

4000 4.0 - 2004/07/15 - "Major refactoring"
- Added new "amp4000" theme.
- Added new "big" hui icons category.
- Added 494 new icons in "big" category.
- Added new Ampoliros class.
- Added unit tests.
- Added huixml_cdata() (HuiXml) in place of urlencode() method.

- Changed Ampoliros generation to 4000.
- Now Ampoliros is based on the Carthag platform.
- Updated Crystal icons to SVG release. Added 584 more new icons.
- Moved Semaphore class (semaphores.library) to process.Semaphore.
- Moved Clipboard class (clipboard.library) to datatransfer.Clipboard.
- Moved CachedItem class (cache.library) to datatransfer.cache.CachedItem.
- Moved CacheGarbageCollector (cache.library) to
- Moved hui.library classes to hui.*.
- Moved huithemes.library classes to hui.theme.*.
- All code is now under a declare() statement.
- Added pcntl and posix as suggested extensions.
- Changed "Ampoliros Web Applications Platform" title to "Ampoliros
Application Server".
- Moved maintenance.library classes to maintenance.*.
- Moved Hook class (hooks.library) to util.Hooks.
- Renamed AmpolirosSecurityHandler() class to SecurityLayer() and moved it
to security.SecurityLayer.
- Moved archives.library classes to Carthag platform.
- Moved debug.library classes to debug.* and renamed
AmpDebugger() class to Debugger().
- Moved xmlrpc.library classes to webservices.xmlrpc.*.
- Removed unused system.library.
- Moved sites.library classes to site.*.
- Moved users.library classes to site.user.*.
- Moved logger.library classes to io.log.*.
- Moved dblayer libraries classes to db.*.
- Moved locale.library classes to locale.*.
- Moved old unused stuff to ampcompatibility package.
- Now at least PHP 5 is required.
- Updated copyright notes date.
- Moved XMLParser class (xml.library) to xml.XMLParser.
- Applied minor changes for PHP 5 compatibility.
- Moved modules.library and modulesbase.library classes to
- Strongly refactored maintaining compatibility.
- Changed handling of /ampcgi/ alias during setup.
- Renamed ModuleElementTypes class to
- Moved soap.library to ampcompatibility.
- Updated some stuff in extras directory.
- Changed "module" term in "application".
- Renamed root/modules.php to root/applications.php.
- Moved HelpNode class to help.HelpNode.
- Moved AmpConfig class to core.AmpConfig.
- Lot of optimizations in Hui and Hui widgets.
- Hui validators are now called once even if there are more dispatchers.
- Moved root initialization code to Ampoliros::startRoot().
- Moved site initialization code to Ampoliros::startSite().
- Moved maintenance run script code to Ampoliros::startMaintenance().
- Moved ampconfig.php code to ampoliros.php.
- Removed amp3000 Hui theme.
- Removed CACHE_PATH define.

- Fixed "frame" attribute in toolbar widget when set to false.
- Fixed wrong size limit in username length in users table.
- Unlock script (/ampcgi/unlock.php) is no more recorded as last root
page opened.
- Fixed wrong parameters to Permissions class in adminpage.handler and


- hui.library.
- huithemes.library.
- semaphores.library.
- clipboard.library.
- cacheditem.library.
- maintenance.library.
- hooks.library.
- security.library.
- AmpolirosSecurityHandler() class.
- archives.library.
- debug.library.
- AmpDebugger() class.
- xmlrpc.library.
- users.library.
- sites.library.
- logger.library.
- dblayer.library.
- dblayer_parser.library.
- dblayer_*.layer.
- locale.library.
- xml.library.
- modules.library.
- modulesbase.library.
- help.library.
- ampoliros.library.
- amproot.php.
- ampsite.php.
- ampconfig.php.
- LOG_PATH define.
- CATALOG_PATH define.
- BIN_PATH define.
- HELP_PATH define.